Meteorologists are not the only ones who love groundhogs. If you know any elementary learners, chances are, they will be celebrating some General Lee this week They are reading groundhog stories, making shadow puppets and googling what groundhogs eat for breakfast! If you are the best room mom in the world, you can make these easy cupcakes! They are so stinkin cute that next year's teachers will be angling to get your child in her class.

Doesn't he look like he is sticking his head up through the snow, churning up a little Oreo crumbs....I mean dirt?
Make your cupcakes and let them cool. Cut a plug out of the middle so your groundhog will easily go in. The groundhogs are made from fun size Almond Joy candy bars and brown mini-baking m&m's. Get your best helper to fish all the brown ones out of a bag of mini baking m&m's. You will need four for each groundhog. In this case, I just made eyes and the nose out of buttercream because it is easy, but you can use the candy eyes if you must. Use buttercream or melted chocolate to stick the ears and chops to the body. Use that almond as a guide because it makes his whole head look dimensional because it stands out further than the eyes.

Frost the cupcakes with white buttercream and stick your groundhog in the hole. Sprinkle a few Oreo crumbs and send them to school on Friday! You will be the envy of all room moms, teachers and kids!