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When Baking is Rehabilitation
Everyone who mixes butter and sugar together will usually admit that baking is therapy. But, could it have an even higher calling? One...

Lessons from the Cookie Nip Summer Tour
Well the Cookie Nip Summer Tour is complete and I while I could regale you with details of the celebrities we encountered, the amazing...

Musings from the Dark Side
If you have sent me a message in the past few weeks that I seemingly ignored, please forgive me. It is not that I ignored anyone, just...

Hey would you send me that recipe you posted a couple months back? I lost it.
Hello friends, I love sharing recipes with you. It is my goal to send one every week but let's be honest; sometimes life or work...

What Happens at Cookie Con.....
What happens at Cookie Con comes right on back home with you! After thirty years in education, I have enjoyed my share of conferences and...

The THINGS You Learn at Cookie School!
So last weekend I was at Cookie School with a guest from Pittsburg. She was very friendly but we all could immediately tell by her accent...

Happily Ever After
When I started on this journey of concocting a signature flavor, I had a certain blend in mind. I will admit it is just a little bit...

How Can I Stop My Colors from Bleeding?
One of the most maddening challenges we face as cookie bakers is color bleed. I have tried to completely dry colors before introducing...

Lessons I learned at the Post Office
It is a good thing I am a lifelong learner! The same day I defended my dissertation, my committee told me, "Congratulations! You can now...

It's a Sweet Life!
It has been an exciting couple of weeks for The Cookie School. About this time last year I began dreaming of creating a signature flavor...

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts
I am not a numbers person. That's why when I struck off to create a signature flavor for The Cookie School, I recruited a higher level...

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox? Everybody involved with an elementary school knows that the high holy holiday...

The Online Store is LIVE!
The Cookie School's online store is up and running. Especially if you are a distance learner, that is an easy way to purchase supplies...

Happy New Year!
Have you had enough of cookies to last you until next Christmas? Me neither. I have found that creating art out of butter and sugar only...
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